From Hosting to Remote Support, Secure Cloud Has You Covered

From Hosting to Remote Support, Secure Cloud Has You Covered

Secure Cloud Services has you covered from migrating your application and IT infrastructure to supporting your environment remotely, enhanced by cybersecurity protecting your data in real-time. Our managed cloud IT services allow you to consolidate your support touchpoints and optimize your technology stack maintenance for the best ROI for you, not multiple disconnected vendors. Combining our knowledge and expertise over software, network management and IaaS, our solution provides you with the means to transform your systems into a streamlined, cybersecure and user-friendly value generation solution.

Here is what Secure Cloud Services can do for you beyond application hosting:

Go Beyond Hosting with Managed Cloud Services

Our managed cloud IT services division represents the marriage of our hosted solutions with the award-winning network services provided by our seasoned engineers. This allows us to leverage this expertise to provide tailored support and maintenance for your cloud-hosted infrastructure built to handle your software’s specific architecture needs in a web-based environment.

Real-time IT Support for Your Software in the Cloud

The transition from on-premise to hosted IT ecosystem deployment will allow SCS’s support personnel to be able to interact with your systems at anywhere, anytime, at your convenience. This real-time availability provides several benefits over traditional models, where there is a greater chance of downtime for either maintenance or a system crashing incident that would cut into your revenue. Once your technology stack is migrated to the cloud, engineers can tap into the backend much more quickly and seamlessly, limiting interruptions to your value generation.

Remote Workstation Management and Protection

The COVID-19 pandemic forced many businesses to shift some or all of their workforce to telecommuting for the first time ever, and even those with some experience working from home had to contend with uncertainty in the scope of the conversion. SCS can help you dispel any ambiguity about your remote workstation management, rectifying any gaps in your distributed network, scaling the number of workstations deployed and ensuring protection for each and every one. When migrating your infrastructure to Secure Cloud Hosting, we can implement a dedicated security net with solutions ranging from antivirus to real-time endpoint protection.

Patch Management & More Frequent Data Backups

Keeping up with the latest updates for your applications (including ERP and productivity suites like Microsoft 365) can be time-consuming, as can having to constantly back up your data, and both of these activities can detract from generating value. However, the consequences of not following up on either function can be dire, and will hurt your bottom line even more. SCS can take this off of your hands when you migrate your software and IT infrastructure to Secure Cloud Hosting, with consistent patch management and hourly backups that keep you up to date and protected without disruption to your ongoing processes.

Traditional MSP VS Cloud MSP

Cloud-hosted systems require whole new ways of business thinking, with a fundamentally different environment that brings new requirements along with the advantages. Without the capacity limits of onsite servers and device storage, web-based infrastructure delivers a virtually infinite level of scalability and elasticity, as well as much faster-moving and much more extensive data proliferation. This creates new opportunities - and new obligations - for IT governance that traditional managed services providers (MSPs) cannot handle without a presence in the cloud.

The Limitations of On-premise Managed Services

Historically, an MSP or inhouse IT staff would be monitoring and servicing an on-premise environment, focusing on endpoints limited to what the hardware allowed before the Internet and wireless connectivity. With the introduction of web channels to applications for communication (i.e., Outlook, etc.) and other functions, the focus shifted to protecting newly opened endpoints from external cyber attacks. However, the failure of this legacy thinking is apparent in the number of data breaches over the past few years and the gaps that allowed them - cloud connections transform the nature of cybersecurity, and ultimately the role of IT in maintaining your systems at the user level.

IT Support Built for the Cloud

Cloud MSPs are better equipped to deal with security and other concerns that are unique to a hosted environment, and a combined vendor such as SCS can support you from implementation onwards for the lifecycle of your solutions stack. Our managed IT service monitors your infrastructure 24x7 and will respond to anomalies in real-time, saving you from consigning yourself to downtime whenever an incident impacts your productivity. We will also help you tailor your architecture to fit best for your needs and your ROI, and aid your users in maximizing productivity and ease of use no matter their role.

A More Secure Cloud Environment

Cybersecurity for the cloud requires more than basic solutions like antivirus - you need real human intelligence and support in the background, as well as robust user training that addresses the vulnerability of each endpoint. The shared nature of a hosted environment transfers more security responsibilities onto your individual employees, who can also become insider threats without proper vetting and oversight. However, Secure Cloud Services can provide you with real-time monitoring and additional protections built specifically to combat all manner of web-based cyber threats.

Cybersecurity in the Cloud

Cloud security requires a more proactive defense program that better identifies and mitigates risks to your infrastructure, provides multiple layers of protections and empowers incident responders to react quickly to intrusions. With even legacy systems being increasingly cloud-connected it is critical to be able to leverage these types of solutions, but most traditional inhouse IT teams or MSPs that serve small businesses are often ill-equipped and too overwhelmed to face this challenge. The managed cloud IT services of SCS can deliver this level of cybersecurity as part of your hosted environment scaled to your business size.

Secure Cloud Services Have You Covered

Secure Cloud Services does more than simply host your software, our team will ensure that your applications and data are protected, updated and supported for the lifecycle of your solutions. With our managed IT and security services tailored for your hosted environment, you will be able to enjoy the full benefits of migrating to a modern infrastructure. We will keep your systems maintained and secured no matter the number of workstations, or whether all of your users work remotely or in hybrid deployment.

Discover What Else Our Managed Cloud IT Services Can Offer

Enable your business to capture an unprecedented level of scalability and flexibility when you move your technology stack to a cloud-hosted environment with Secure Cloud Services. Discover more about our comprehensive hosting, cybersecurity and IT services and see how else we can maximize your ROI in the cloud with our tailored solutions by reaching out to us today.

Contact Secure Cloud Services today to learn more about the full range of solutions we offer and how we will ensure you capture the true value of hosting in the cloud.

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  • Hector Bonilla